
How to clamp yo shit

Blocking a Number in Window Phone 8, Lumia Amber Update

So, you're having problems with harassing text messages? We've all been there. It's terrible. Luckily, if you have a Lumia series phone with the Amber update, there's an easy solution. I've taken these screenshots to help guide you through the process.

The first step is to slide on over to your app list and scroll all the way down to settings.

Once you're in, scroll all the way down again, and find the "Call + SMS Filter" option.

How to Hammock

A while back, I made a rope hammock.

People in general seem to think that this is pretty neat, and some even want to know how to make their own!

For them, I've decided to write a tutorial. You'll find that here.

If you've ever made one of those para-cord survival bracelets, the net of the hammock is the same knot.

There are a few other ways to tie it, this is just the easiest to draw.